Our Many Valued Affiliates
Pinnacle Medical Centre GP Clinic is affiliated with the several industry bodies. Our affiliation with these bodies gives us industry insight, support and additional resources to better services our patients.
TCA – Travel Clinic Australia
For more info visit
RACGP – Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is the professional organisation that focuses on the safety and quality of general practice.
The College’s mission is to improve health and well being for all Australians by supporting general practitioners, registrars and medical students by assessing doctors skills and knowledge, supplying ongoing professional development activities, developing resources and guidelines, helping general practitioners with issues that affect their practice and development standards that general practices use as part of the accreditation processes. The College carries out these activities within a series of strategic principles which can be viewed here.
The College has a proud history of achievements including, the development of standards for general practitioners and general practices and introducing continuing professional development.
For more info visit
AMA – Australian Medical Association
The Australian Medical Association represents the registered medical practitioners (doctors) and medical students of Australia.
The AMA works with the membership to promote and protect the interests of patients. The AMA does this through a broad range of mechanisms at a state and national level including:
- working with governments to maintain and increase provision of world-class medical care to all Australians;
- tracking and reporting government performance on health;
challenging government on policy that potentially harms the interests of patients;
- providing a resonant and authoritative expert medical commentary on health issues;
- responding to issues in the health debate through provision of a wide range of expert resources; and
commissioning and conducting research on health issues.
The AMA supports patient care by serving the medical profession across a broad range of essential services including:
protecting the academic, professional and economic independence and the well being of medical practitioners;
promoting and advancing ethical behaviour by the medical profession and protecting the integrity and independence of the doctor/patient relationship; and
preserving and protecting the political, legal and industrial interests of medical practitioners.
For more info visit